Honoring Your Signature Strength
Building ans sustaining happiness can be done based on real science! More than 20 years of research from Mark Sullivan shows there are actual triggers to become happy.
Most important is honoring your signature strength and bringing it out to the world. It's your secret sauce! It's something you really love doing and it has to derive from yourself and expand all around you. That's where happiness comes from!
Same concept is represented as Dharma in one of my favorite books, written in 400 BC by Bhagavad Gita, a book that inspired great minds like Ghandi or Nelson Mandela. It shows how overcoming the small cell in pursuit of life and happiness and letting go of the outcome by simply being on purpose.
The whole idea is going out of your own way and stepping into your own epic living laboratory, to allow yourself to make this a presence and a practice of happiness!
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Essential Practices
For Living
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